Las preguntas indirectas en inglés se formulan con una estructura de verbo + objeto + complemento (VOC). En general, el verbo es una forma del verbo «to be» o un verbo modal. El objeto es el elemento que recibe la acción del verbo y el complemento es la información adicional que se da sobre el objeto.
preguntas indirectas en ingles
- What do you think about our new product?
- Do you like our new product?
- Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our new product?
- Do you think our new product is better than our old product?
- Do you think our new product is worse than our old product?
- Do you think our new product is the same as our old product?
- Do you think our new product is better than other products on the market?
- Do you think our new product is worse than other products on the market?
- Do you think our new product is the same as other products on the market?
- What do you think of our new product?